Selected aspects of real estate management and energetics


  • Tadeusz Noch
  • Józef Puczyński


Ключевые слова:

real estate, residential real estate management, residential community, common real estate, energetics, heat supply, network, transmission, distribution, energy, heating energetics


The article characterises selected aspects of real estate management and energetics. It defines the
notion of real estate with its individual types. The issue of residential real estate management
is raised, with detailed descriptions of a residential community and common real estate.
An analysis of heating energetics in relation to heat supply and energetics activity licencing
is provided, with special attention paid to the terminology of heat engineering. Conditions
of the third party’s access to the heat delivery network are described, as well as rules of heat
distribution and transmission. Competences and duties of a heat energy provider in the
provision of energetics services are described, together with the role and the responsibility of
the community in this respect. The importance of obeying the Energetics Law is raised. The
article also focuses on the process of heat requisition for the heated rooms, with focus on the
calculation algorithm for the heat energy requirements of the heated rooms.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Noch, T., & Puczyński, J. (2019). Selected aspects of real estate management and energetics. Zeszyty Naukowe Gdańskiej Szkoły Wyższej, 17, 81–93.



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