The functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of globalization


  • Ewa Polak
  • Waldemar Polak



enterprise, finance, management, globalization


International corporations are the main entities in the globalization process. In order to
operate on a global scale, the company is obliged to integrate into a system of various types of
connections and dependencies. The system includes not only enterprises but also other entities
of the global economy. Influences and interpenetrations of these dependencies and relationships
are visible at all levels of the company. In the case of the economy, globalization seeks to create
a single market for goods and capital as well as a global order contributing to the development
of production, trade and financial flows on a global scale.


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How to Cite

Polak, E., & Polak, W. (2019). The functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of globalization. Zeszyty Naukowe Gdańskiej Szkoły Wyższej, 17, 189–197.



Ekonomia. Nauki o zarządzaniu