Denominational law as a training ground for religious policy or few loose comments about registration of a religious association


  • Mirosław Borkowski



religious law, religious policy, registration of churches and religious associations


In a single, well-functioning democratic state of law, the good of all citizens should be implemented by the power exercised by the representatives of the Nation. Ensuring freedom and human and civil rights should be a priority for public authorities operating on the basis and within the limits of the law. An expression of political pluralism is the assurance of the freedom to create and act, among others associations, civic movements and other voluntary associations. This is the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, unfortunately not always these noble goals and principles are respected. It turns out that the law, legal principles included even in the most important legal act are matched to current political needs.


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How to Cite

Borkowski, M. (2018). Denominational law as a training ground for religious policy or few loose comments about registration of a religious association. Zeszyty Naukowe Gdańskiej Szkoły Wyższej, 19(2), 9–16.



Prawo. Nauki o administracji