Physical basis of a resonance method for detection and destruction of pathogens


  • Marian Trela



resonance method, pathogens, pathogen destruction, electrical resonance


Resonance method of Dr. Clark for detection and destruction of pathogens in human body is described using principles of classical physics and electric current laws. The basic law governing the flow of direct and alternating currents (DC and AC respectively) and the phenomenon of inductance and capacitance are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of electrical resonance, which occurs under certain conditions. A measure of total resistance to AC current is represented by electric impedance (Z), which depends on the Ohm resistance (R), specific inductance (L), and capacitance (C). For given values of these parameters, at certain frequency, called resonant frequency, a sudden current increase is observed in an electrical circuit. This is called electric resonance. The study compares classical electric resonance and resonance in dr. Clark method. In both resonances a strong current increase is observed, but only positively polarized current that occurs in the Clark method is suitable for pathogens destruction. Physical effects occurring at resonance which contribute to pathogens destruction include heat generation causing temperature increase, and pathogens polarization inducing their oscillatory movements. This polarization effect is strengthened by the movement induced by oscillatory heat generation causing local pressure fluctuations. These last two partial phenomena occur simultaneously. Resonance contains two material constants: specific inductance L and capacitance C. In applications for pathogen destruction, L and C are characteristic for each pathogen species. It can be concluded that the resonance frequency is the same for a specific pathogen either alive or dead. This is confirmed by dr. Clark’s research.


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How to Cite

Trela, M. (2017). Physical basis of a resonance method for detection and destruction of pathogens. Zeszyty Naukowe Gdańskiej Szkoły Wyższej, 17, 105–124.



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