Database system for supporting management accounting and financial in trading company


  • Martyna Sawicka
  • Robert Piotrowski



entity relationship diagram, relational data model, relational database, database management system


A computer database systems are used to support the management in companies, regardless of the type of business. These are the main computer tools to support current and future business activities. In the paper was designed and implemented a relational database for a hypothetical company, engaged in buying and selling bearings. The database was tested and implemented in Microsoft Access environment.


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How to Cite

Sawicka, M., & Piotrowski, R. (2017). Database system for supporting management accounting and financial in trading company. Zeszyty Naukowe Gdańskiej Szkoły Wyższej, 17, 95–104.



Nauki inżynieryjno-techniczne