Heat and Cold Energy Storage Technologies as a Practical Complement to Renewable Energy Installations


  • Tomasz Mania
  • Joanna Kawa



Ключевые слова:

energy storage, types of heat storage, heat storage loading and unloading, energy efficiency, heat pumps


Thermal energy storage can be defined as temporary storage of heat energy at low or high temperatures. The development and innovative solutions of the thermal energy storage technology can, in the long-term, mitigate the negative impact on the environment and facilitate more energy-efficient exploitation of thermal energy systems. The main goal in thermal energy storage systems is to store the solar heat accumulated during the summer for heating in winter. The concept of such use of solar energy is not new, because it has already been developed and improved over the centuries, where it has played an important role in energy saving and significantly contributed to the improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of gas emissions to the atmosphere. The article presents the types of heat storages with particular emphasis on BTESstorage systems with examples of their applications.

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Как цитировать

Mania, T., & Kawa, J. (2018). Heat and Cold Energy Storage Technologies as a Practical Complement to Renewable Energy Installations. Eco-Energetics: Technologies, Environment, Law and Economy, 1, 41–50. https://doi.org/10.24426/eco-energetics.v1i0.30


