Waste heat from CHP in biogas plant utilization for local central heating


  • Leszek Piechowski
  • Tadeusz Noch
  • Adam Cenian




biogas, co-generation, heat utilization, heat storage, low temperature district heating


The effective utilization of waste heat it is great challenge for highly efficient co-generation based on biogas. The possibility for highly efficient co-generation using biogas is analyzed. The system generating 500 kWe and 700 kWh, where main heat receiver would be village or small city region with central heating system and heat storage system is considered. Both home heating and hot water supply is discussed.


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How to Cite

Piechowski, L., Noch, T., & Cenian, A. (2018). Waste heat from CHP in biogas plant utilization for local central heating. Eco-Energetics: Technologies, Environment, Law and Economy, 1, 89–96. https://doi.org/10.24426/eco-energetics.v1i0.35


