Cobalt as a hypoxia-like factor in humans and animals


  • Natalia Kurhaluk Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku



cobalt, pollutants, heavy metals, lipid peroxidation, hypoxia, different resistance to hypoxia, oxidative stress


The aim of the article is to present selected aspects of the impact of cobalt on animal and human organisms from the point of view of links to hypoxia (hypoxia of various origins). The subject of the analysis is the issue of the influence of cobalt as a means of protection under hypoxic conditions at the following levels of body systems: tissue, cellular and molecular.


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How to Cite

Kurhaluk, N. (2019). Cobalt as a hypoxia-like factor in humans and animals. Eco-Energetics: Technologies, Environment, Law and Economy, 2, 171–178.


