History of the judiciary in Poland from the times of the first Piasts to the present day


  • Mariusz Kozon Gdańska Szkoła Wyższa, Wydział Zamiejscowy w Olsztynie


justice, judicial organs, conflict, peace, jurisdiction


The history of the courts is intertwined with the history of mankind: people from the dawn of time fell into various armed conflicts, and over time they began to be resolved by peaceful means. It aimed at reconciliation of the two parties or at reaching a settlement. Looking deeper into the history of the judiciary, we can reach ancient Greece, where it comes from Greek mythology, the goddess and disposition of justice, law and eternal order — Themis, a symbol and personification of the judiciary. In the Polish state, the judiciary has over a thousand years of history of law and bloody “games” in medieval times. Polish kings acted as judges, and with time, the judicial inheritance was taken over by qualified high-ranking state officials.


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How to Cite

Kozon, M. (2022). History of the judiciary in Poland from the times of the first Piasts to the present day. Nauka I Społeczeństwo. Przegląd Nauk społecznych, Technicznych, Medycznych I Pedagogicznych, 2(1), 59–84. Retrieved from https://ojs.gsw.gda.pl/index.php/NiS/article/view/252


