The leading motives of educational activity among students of an agricultural university


  • Anatoly Ivanovich Kibysh Калининградский филиал Санкт-Петербургского государственного аграрного университета г. Полесск, Россия
  • Darya Maksimovna Poturnak Калининградский филиал Санкт-Петербургского государственного аграрного университета г. Полесск, Россия


motives, motivation, leading motives, agricultural education, awareness of choice


The purpose of this study is to identify the leading motives of educational activity among students of an agricultural university against the background of the prevailing opinion about the lack of prestige of agricultural education and the formation of the student audience according to the "residual principle". The research was carried out according to the methodology of A.A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin in the modification of N.C. Badmaeva. The obtained research results, including the leading motives of educational activity, allowed us to draw a conclusion about the independence and awareness of the choice of the university and the direction of study by the majority of students and refute the thesis about the lack of prestige of agricultural education and the lack of awareness of its choice by students.


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How to Cite

Kibysh, A. I., & Poturnak, D. M. (2022). The leading motives of educational activity among students of an agricultural university. Nauka I Społeczeństwo. Przegląd Nauk społecznych, Technicznych, Medycznych I Pedagogicznych, 2(1), 51–58. Retrieved from


