Monosubstrate agricultural micro-biogas plant for liquid manure as a complement to the technological line in large-scale animal husbandry — practical verification


  • Adam Orzech SOLAR Naturalna Energia Sp. z o.o.


Słowa kluczowe:

micro-biogas plant, liquid manure, cogeneration, animal husbandry


The micro-biogas technologies using liquid manure, which eliminates harmful compounds for the environment and maintains high fertilizing parameters of digestate, are already available in Poland. The effectiveness of these technologies together with a summary of previous experience have been presented and discussed in this paper. The presented conclusions are based on analysis of dozen BIOLECTRIC® micro-scale biogas plants with installed power from 11 to 40 kWe working in Poland and more than one hundred and eighty of such installations in Europe. They overcome the paradigm of the lack of profitability of these installations in a microscale.


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Jak cytować

Orzech, A. (2019). Monosubstrate agricultural micro-biogas plant for liquid manure as a complement to the technological line in large-scale animal husbandry — practical verification. Eco-Energetics: Technologies, Environment, Law and Economy, 2, 85–92.


