Rebellion restrained? Around (the) revolutionary behaviors of the generation of the 90s


  • Agnieszka Tarwacka-Dama


Słowa kluczowe:

generation Y, millennials, network generation, protest, education reforms, internet


This sketch is the result of the author’s observation; since 2009, who has been working with high school youths between the ages of 16 and 18. Its respondents were the older part of the generation, today are referred as “millennials”, “generation Y”, “digital generation”, “generation of flip-flops and I-pods”. They were born in the times of dynamically developing capitalism and the free market, consumerism as a proposed lifestyle, spreading popular culture, which mastered their imagination − Coke, McDonald’s and the heroes of the silver screen (Superman, Batman). But at the same time early enough to remember the times before the Internet era. Observing their passivity, the tendency towards (a)revolutionary behavior, scientist wonders about the reasons for this state of affairs. One of them is the insignificant influence of generational experience on the formation of individuals. It is not social events such as the overthrow of Communism, Poland’s accession to the European Union, the death of the Polish Pope, they have all become important caesuras for this generation, but the spread of the Internet primary. Between the anti-postmodern rebellion and the passive observer, the impact of the New Millennium reform corporations; in the kaleidoscope of reforms of twenty century and twenty first century education, the emergence of a new type of society and social relations based on exchange − In the trap of consumerism, corporatism and pragmatism, omnipresent consumption, forced ephemeralism and movement towards new experiences — “Homo consuments” in the network and on the street. Author analyze behavior during the Not for ACTA protests, asking if this relationship has changed today in relation to street protests taking place six years later.


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Jak cytować

Tarwacka-Dama, A. (2018). Rebellion restrained? Around (the) revolutionary behaviors of the generation of the 90s. Zeszyty Naukowe Gdańskiej Szkoły Wyższej, 20(3), 223–236.



Filozofia. Pedagogika. Nauki socjologiczne