Augustyn and Tadeusz Wróblewski — difficult brotherly relations as presented in family correspondence

At the genesis of social, political and legal thought




political and legal thought, Tadeusz Wróblewski, Augustyn Wróblewski, Vilnius


In the relationship between Augustine and Tadeusz, three periods can be distinguished. The initial agreement and recognition lasted until 1887. The second period was filled with gradual hatred, although there are still remains of mutual respect. The total severance of ties, imbued with numerous pretensions and accusations, fell in the early 20th century.


Dąbrowski P., Tradycja Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego a rzeczywistość. Myśl polityczno-prawna i działalność Tadeusza Wróblewskiego (1858–1925), Gdańsk 2018.

Franke J., "Czystość" (1905–1909) Augustyna Wróblewskiego albo iluzja etycznej krucjaty, Warsaw 2013.

Wróblewski A., Krzywda. Szkice psychologiczne, Kraków 1913.

Lietuvos Mokslų Akademijos Vrublevskių Biblioteka, Rankraščių Skyrius (LMAVB), ref. fond 7, folder 1006

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 1080

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 1082

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 1209

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 1480a

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 1481

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 2002

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 2003

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 2041a

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 2045b

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 225

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 353

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 430

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 9095a

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 995a

LMAVB, ref. fond 7, folder 995b

LMAVB, ref. fond 75, folder 111

LMAVB, ref. fond 75, folder 127/4




How to Cite

Dąbrowski, P. (2021). Augustyn and Tadeusz Wróblewski — difficult brotherly relations as presented in family correspondence: At the genesis of social, political and legal thought. Review of Institute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1, 17–24.


